Professional Mailing House

Who said direct mail was dead!

Facts show that last year in the UK alone, companies spent more than £1.5 billion on paper-based direct mail, in fact, Google, who control almost 70% of the internet still send out direct mail.

So why do reports continue to insist that direct mail is becoming extinct?

Some reports claim that it’s difficult to prove the ROI of direct mail and that it’s impossible to build the kind of customer relationships that are achievable through digital media. But in the emerging era of cross-media communication, this argument no longer stands.

Direct mail is still one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s plan.

The facts speak for themselves: research from Royal Mail shows that 83% of people still believe that direct mail is easier to consume than email.

When statistic show that 92% of all direct mail is opened and 48% of UK adults take action after receiving it, it’s not surprising that direct mail is responsible for driving 44% of traffic to brands’ websites.

When compared to digital, direct mail delivers an average £3.22 ROI compared with online’s £3.12 for every £1 (who said it was difficult to prove the ROI of DM?).

Personalised direct mail increases open rates even further.

If the statistics aren’t enough, when direct mail is used as part of a larger marketing strategy, it has the potential to transform customer engagement and build long-term brand loyalty.

Want to find out more about our direct mail services and our bulk postage? Let’s have a chat!

Email us or give us a call 0330 818 2404

Source: DMA

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