What Day Of The Week Is Best To Send Out Direct Mail?

When investing in a direct mail campaign, the one thing you want to happen is to get noticed. If your direct mail campaign performs well, it can be one of the most effective and profitable ways to market your business, product or service.

We all know there are seven days a week, but which day/days are the best to send your direct mail campaign?

When you start planning your direct mail campaigns, it’s important to think about your audience.

Consider what your audience will be doing and if your offer is something they would like to take action on.

Cleansing and segmenting your data properly means you may be able to provide your audience with a solution at just the right time.

Once you’ve planned your campaign, you need to consider when you want the direct mail to arrive on recipients’ doormats and agree on the lead time with the service provider.

In this article, we look at what day of the week is best to send out your direct mail campaign to increase response rates...

What Day Of The Week is Best To Send Out A Direct Mail Campaign?

The best days to send your direct mail campaign are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Delivering your campaign between Tuesday and Thursday is the most favourable time frame because recipients are well into the workweek flow and will likely be going home that night.

What Days Shouldn’t You Send Your Direct Mail Campaigns?

You can send your direct mail campaigns whenever you want, but some days of the week are less favourable because the recipient will unlikely open the mail.

I think it’s best to avoid your campaign being delivered on a Monday because this is the day most household post is received, and you risk your direct mail campaign fighting for the recipient’s attention.

It is also best to avoid sending your direct mail campaign on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday because most households are in “weekend mode”.

Some households will be away for the weekend and often throw away the direct mail they have received when they return.

The Direct Mail Company

The Direct Mail Company is a professional mailing house.

We offer clients a wide range of direct mail fulfilment services in and around the UK. We also offer leaflet distribution.

Our main aim is to provide an outstanding printing and mail solution for your business at the best possible price.

We also offer great bulk postage rates guaranteed to be cheaper than stamps and franking. We use leading delivery companies Whistl, UKMail, Citipost and Royal Mail to deliver your direct mail campaigns on time.

Please call us on 0808 2535 413 or email sales @ thedirectmailcompany.co.uk if you have any questions.

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