7 Tips For Optimising Your Direct Mail Campaign

A successful campaign can bring a great return on investment and boost your business. In this article, we explain how to optimise your direct mail campaigns.

Tips For Optimising Your Direct Mail Campaign

Here are tips for optimising your direct mail campaign.

7 Tips For Optimising Your Direct Mail Campaign

Here are The Direct Mail Company’s seven tips for optimising your direct mail campaign:

  • Define the audience
  • Personalise your mail
  • Create a great design
  • Add value to your mailshot
  • Be persuasive
  • Create a call to action
  • Analyse your direct mail campaign

Define the audience

You need to know to who you are going to send your direct mail. You can do this by understanding the right target audience. Your messaging and design need to be tailored to the audience you have chosen and how they will respond to the mail you send.

Segment into more specific audiences based on each stage of your buyer’s journey, such as gaining new customers or returning customers.

Personalise your mail

Personalised direct mail has a great impact on the response and the open rate of your direct mail.

Could you create personal messages for your customer, use your customers’ names, but also give them a custom message, knowing their purchase history and where they live?

Personalising your mail in this way will allow you to connect with the recipient and make them feel more like a valued customer rather than one of many others.

Create a great design

Your mail should have a design that stands out and catches the eye of recipients. The design needs to ensure that your mail will be looked at rather than ignored and thrown away.

Experiment with things like flyers, postcards and brochures. Make sure you use your company’s colours and high-quality images to ensure your direct mail catches the eyes of your audience.

Add value to your mailshot.

You’ll need to add value to your audience and offer them something to them. Something like a deal, discount for a product or special offer code. This will give them a reason to purchase your product or service now. It also helps them turn into customers.

Think about what you can do for your audience. What do they need? What do they want? You could test different offers with other segments and decipher what offers your audience respond to.

Be persuasive

Your mailshot should be able to persuade the recipient to act on your mail, depending on what it is. Focus on what benefits your company provides and how you can help solve any issues.

Grab the reader’s attention with simple language and being straight to the point. Ensure it’s short and not too long, as your reader will likely read it.

You can use bullet points and short paragraphs to highlight the important points to persuade your recipients.

Create a call to action

This will drive action in your recipients and help turn them into customers. Think about what you want your customer to do after receiving your mail. This could be calling your business phone, booking an appointment or learning more about your business.

Make sure to add that feeling of urgency by holding a time-limited call to action, so they feel like they have to act instantly. Make it clear so the recipient knows what to do next.

Analyse your direct mail campaign

To optimise your campaign properly, you will need to improve how you do your mail continuously. You need to be setting yourself trackable goals before you start your campaign.

You can do this through tracking if people have answered your call to action, such as an offer code, landing page or tailored URL.

Analyse these to optimise your direct marketing campaign’s performance. Then find out what is working well and what needs to be improved on.

The Direct Mail Company

The Direct Mail Company is a professional mailing house that offers 5*customer service.

Our mail fulfilment services are trusted by various small and large clients in the UK and overseas.

Our mail fulfilment services include bespoke data processing, printing solutions, mail fulfilment and bulk postage rates. Many of our clients come to us to save money on their postage.

By taking advantage of our bulk postage rates, you will save a significant amount on postage costs.

Due to the high volumes of mail, we send each year, we will offer you the lowest possible postage rates for your bulk mail. We do this using DSA providers such as Whistl, Citipost and UK Mail.

These companies complete the sortation for Royal Mail which is how we achieve the lowest postage rates.

For more information on outsourcing your direct mail campaigns to The Direct Mail Company, please call us on 0330 818 2404 or email sales@thedirectmailcompany.co.uk with your enquiry.

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