10 Tips To Increase Direct Mail Response Rates

Direct mail remains one of the most effective marketing techniques to engage with customers.

If you’re looking for ways to increase your response rates, check out our ten key tips below.

10 Tips To Increase Direct Mail Response Rates

Here are The Direct Mail Company’s top 10 tips to increase direct mail response rates:

  1. Could you segment Your Database? Analysing your database and segmenting your data into lists is a great way to increase your direct mail response rates. Segmenting your database means you can send out targeted mailshots to more relevant recipients meaning you’re more likely to get a response from your campaign.
  2. Use A Professional Design. Your direct mail campaign is a representation of your business. You can use a professional designer to encourage your recipient to open and read it. Standing out from the crowd of posts on the recipient’s doormat will increase their chance of taking action.
  3. Could you define a clear offer and call to action? Before sending your direct mail campaign, you need to know what you want your mailshot to achieve. Once you’ve decided on your goal, you need to align this with your offer and call to action. For example, if you want to sell more, including a unique offer with a redeemable code to use on your website or in-store will encourage customers to purchase from you.
  4. Could you personalise Your Mailshot? Sending a personalised direct mail campaign will increase response rates by over 30% – Impressive! It is one of the best ways to get people to read your mailshot. You can personalise the salutation, content and image of the direct mail campaign. Check out our ways to create personalised direct mail.
  5. Tell The Recipient What They Want To Know. Make sure your marketing message is clear and to the point. If a recipient takes the time to read your message, you need to tell them what they want.
  6. Be Original. You want to make sure your direct mail campaign is unique and stands out from the crowd. Some clients send their campaigns in colourful envelopes like yellow and red.
  7. Integrate Your Direct Mail Into A Bigger Marketing Campaign. Integrating your direct mail campaign with other marketing activities can significantly improve your return on investment.
  8. Incorporate Technology Into Your Direct Mail Campaign. Incorporating technology into your direct mail campaign will make it easier for people to access your website and increase your response rates. Adding a QR code to your campaign is an easy and simple way of getting customers to engage with your business.
  9. Send Targeted Communication. Sending out mailshots to a targeted mailing list will generate high response rates. Could you ensure you are investing time and resources into effective customer targeting?
  10. Send Follow-up Direct Mail Pieces. 

Increase Your Response Rates With The Direct Mail Company

The Direct Mail Company is a professional mailing house that offers 5* customer service throughout your mailing. As soon as you send an enquiry, we’ll be sure to return it to you within minutes.

We specialise in UK and International mail fulfilment providing printing and mail solutions.

We provide an end-to-end service that takes the hassle out of direct mail, providing you with clear pricing, dedicated account managers, and your mail delivered on time, with Royal Mail always delivering the final mile.

Direct mail is a great way to advertise your business and send out offers. Postcards are straight to the point. You don’t have to use an envelope so the customer can see exactly what has come through the letter box.

To contact us for information on our direct mail fulfilment services, please call us on 0808 2533 851 or email sales@thedirectmailcompany.co.uk

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